The South Central Tennessee Development District is pleased to announce the availability of the Arts Build Communities Grant (ABC) Program through the Tennessee Arts Commission on April 3rd, 2023. This program is designed to provide support for arts projects that broaden access to arts experiences, address community quality of life issues through the arts, or enhance the sustainability of asset-based cultural enterprises.
ABC funds may be used to:
provide innovative arts experiences that are new or unfamiliar to community residents, offer arts programs that are designed to help affect positive change in community social issues
develop arts programming that strengthens social networks through community engagement, undertake cultural arts initiatives that enhance a community’s identity and/or economic development
offer training that helps experienced or emerging artists/arts administrators develop entrepreneurial skills or innovative strategies for building sustainability.
This grant program is open to 501 (c) (3) organizations or an entity of government if it meets all applicable requirements described in the guidelines. Individuals and organizations that are major cultural institutions, cultural education partnerships, or partnership support funding are not eligible to apply for ABC funding. Colleges and universities are eligible only for activities that clearly serve the needs of surrounding communities or the State and are designed to involve a broad audience. Activities that are credit-producing or are oriented primarily to collegiate students and the academic community are not eligible. In recent years, the ABC grants have been awarded to the City of Columbia for Portrait Park, Columbia State Community College for art shows that were open to the public, Loretto Lift Up for historic mural restoration, and Hickman County Public Library mural commemorating the Trail of Tears.
The maximum request is $5,000. Grant funds must be matched dollar-for-dollar. Only one grant application may be submitted per applicant per year. The proposed project must take place and grant funds must be used between August 16, 2023 – June 15, 2024. Applications must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. (CT) July 3, 2023.

Application Dates and Deadlines:
Applications Open: 4/3/2023
Application Deadline: 7/3/2023
The application can be found here.
More information regarding ABC Grant.
Grant Application Workshop:
A Grant Application Workshop will be held via Zoom on April 24, 2023, at 2 p.m. (CT)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 1804 3570
Passcode: 212168
Panel Review: The SCTDD peer review panel will review applications in late July or August. SCTDD will send an email confirming receipt of your application as well as a panel review schedule. If you have not received a confirmation email, please contact your designated agency or Sarah Elizabeth McLeod, at 931-379-2944 for more information.